About Us
About CEFNetwork
Learn About CEFNetwork
CEFNetwork is brought to you by Pristine Advisers, as a means of connecting closed-end funds to the investment community. This portal is designed as both an educational tool as well as a marketing tool for our clients.
Pristine Advisers has been working with closed-end funds for over two decades. We have relationships with the key players in the industry (analysts, brokers, media, shareholders) and believe to date, there has been a gap in the bridge connecting closed-end funds to these key players. It is our goal to bring these paths together as well as educate the investment community on the benefits of closed-end funds.

Pristine Advisers
As a leading investor relations/public relations/media relations firm headquartered in New York, Pristine Advisers assists companies of all shapes and sizes in improving awareness and increase shareholder value.
With our established database and network of over 800k institutional investors, individual investors, analysts, brokers, portfolio manager and media, we are able to efficiently communicate your mission and goals to the audience that matters most to you.
With over 33 years in the financial industry, we are well positioned and understand every aspect of how the financial markets operate. Our seasoned professionals work closely with each and every client to develop a program tailored to your specific needs. No two clients are alike, and therefore, no two programs are alike. We work closely with management as well as internal IR departments if applicable. We monitor market activity with our ear to the street to respond and act upon the continuous and ever changing financial marketplace.